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Candy Guess

Candy Guess Carnival Activity Idea


It is a great idea to give kids a range to guess - as shown above.


You can choose themed candy for the different seasons! 


Supplies for Candy Guessing Booth:

bullet point 1 - 4 Clear Jars with lids filled with the same type of candy in each jar 
bullet point Small slips of paper or notecards for guesses including a spot for name and phone number (to reach the winner).
bullet point Several Pens for players to fill in their guesses!
bullet point Table with tablecloth
bullet point Ticket Boxes or Bags for each Jar of Candy & Game Sign

Game Set Up:

Days before your event, print out slips of paper and count the candy and fill in each jar. We recommend doing this step ahead of your event 

Quick Tip: Place the number of the candy for each jar on a folded piece of paper that is taped with clear tape to the bottom of each jar.

Set out your table and tablecloth and place your jars on the table as shown above.

How to Play the Candy Guessing Game:

Children pay tickets for a chance to guess the number of candy in one or more of the candy jars.

After the this booth is closed (typically the last 15 - 30 minutes before the end of your event) find the guess that was the closest to the number in the jar.

Typically - the winner wins the jar and the candy inside.

Near the end of the carnival or festival announce the winners. 

You can ask your disc jockey to announce the winners over the loud speakers or you can include this into the winner announcements if you have a class basket raffle.

Optional - Offer a BONUS CASH Prize for a Perfect Guess:

You can also off a cash bonus to a lucky winner if they guess the exact amount.

Tip: Ask a local business or even a bank if they would sponsor this booth (in exchange for advertising at the booth the sponsor) and give a $50 cash prize if one or more of the players guesses the exact number within a jar. 

Note: this will be unlikely - but will have more folks paying tickets for a chance at winning the bonus prize!

Additional Hints & Tips:

Note: This is one of those games that can be set up days before your event so it is ready to go ahead of time!

Also, the cost for this booth is inexpensive and everyone has a chance to win at this fun booth!